4) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

2006’s The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess might not be the most innovative title in the series, but it’s certainly one of the grandest. Twilight Princess represents the pinnacle of the traditional Zelda format, with a massive overworld, devious dungeons, epic boss battles, and a sweeping narrative. The gauntlet-like final battle against Ganon, in particular, is a sight to behold. If remade in HD, Twilight Princess‘s amazing art direction would be further fleshed out by the power of Wii U. The use of the GamePad for inventory and health monitoring would free up a great deal of real estate on the main screen, putting the game’s rich vistas on full display. The intensity and scope of Twilight Princess was a stark departure from previous installments and remains just as engaging in a world post-Skyward Sword.
Fantastic list. You’re missing the original Super Monkey Ball, though. Also, from a personal standpoint, I’d say NHL Hitz 2003, but I don’t think that’ll ever happen. :)
Haha, hey, if Tony Hawk can do it, I say NHL Hitz 2003 deserves a shot! I totally forgot Monkey Ball; I’ll sacrifice Viewtiful Joe for it.
Great article. A good controlling Twilight Princess would be awesome. Eternal Darkness however needs a full revamp, and a simple upgrade to HD would be a waste of a time. Wind Waker was made with timeless graphics; ED is a bit dated.
Gc was a great console, i have almost all this games and i think they all could look amazing on hd, but you missed the most impressive looking gc game of all time. Rogue Leader Rogue Squadron II.
Good picks overall. Needs more Skies of Arcadia: Legends though. ;)