2) Super Smash Bros. Melee

If Capcom can remaster and re-release its multitude of fighting games while simultaneously supporting current installments, Nintendo can remake Super Smash Bros. Melee in HD. Melee is held in higher esteem than its Wii successor, and for a variety of reasons. Melee is simply the better designed fighting game; it’s faster and has a fairer balance to its roster of fighters. If EVO 2013 proved anything, its that entire legions of fans worldwide are still interested in playing this twelve-year-old game. Along with upscaling the graphics, incorporating online multiplayer would turn an HD Melee into wildfire on the Wii U eShop. It’s more than likely that Nintendo wouldn’t want to confuse consumers by putting out a Melee HD remake too near to the upcoming Wii U and 3DS installments, but that doesn’t mean it can’t wait until later. Melee is a milestone in 2D fighting games and deserves to be appreciated by new players.
Fantastic list. You’re missing the original Super Monkey Ball, though. Also, from a personal standpoint, I’d say NHL Hitz 2003, but I don’t think that’ll ever happen. :)
Haha, hey, if Tony Hawk can do it, I say NHL Hitz 2003 deserves a shot! I totally forgot Monkey Ball; I’ll sacrifice Viewtiful Joe for it.
Great article. A good controlling Twilight Princess would be awesome. Eternal Darkness however needs a full revamp, and a simple upgrade to HD would be a waste of a time. Wind Waker was made with timeless graphics; ED is a bit dated.
Gc was a great console, i have almost all this games and i think they all could look amazing on hd, but you missed the most impressive looking gc game of all time. Rogue Leader Rogue Squadron II.
Good picks overall. Needs more Skies of Arcadia: Legends though. ;)