It’s happened to all of us: the dreaded erased or lost copy of a Pokémon game. Hundreds of hours of training, gone. It’s a terrible feeling. But with Pokémon Bank, you can save up to 3,000 pocket monsters online, and they’ll be protected. Today, Nintendo announced payment info and a release date for the app. Pokémon Bank will be available on the Nintendo eShop on December 27 and will cost a yearly fee of $4.99. Think of it as a pocket monster insurance policy.
Will you download Pokémon Bank when it comes out this December? Let us know in the comments below!
Source: Nintendo
No items allowed in the bank, there’s no info on what happens if your subscription lapses with Pokémon still in the bank, and they can’t 100% guarantee your guys will be safe.
Transferring from B/W to X/Y could easily be done with a free app, but after January, you have to get the Bank to use that service.
Truthfully, $5 isn’t all that much, but it really seems like a cash grab, and one that’s barely worth it. I’m a little disappointed. I’ll still probably use the service a little, but still.