Mighty No. 9 Crowdfund Ends with Over $4 Million Raised

All stretch goals were hit, and the game is coming to all platforms known to man.

By Kyle England. Posted 10/02/2013 11:00 4 Comments     ShareThis

The crowdfunding campaign for Comcept and Keiji Inafune’s Mighty No. 9 has finally come to an end. With tons of stretch goals and features, some wondered if it could achieve such lofty heights, and it did. Between the Kickstarter campaign and a PayPal fundraiser, the game has raised over $4 million altogether. Mighty No. 9 is the fourth highest raising game project on KickStarter ever!

Some newer updates were made to the project in the past week, including the adding of a stretch goal for a 3DS version and PS Vita release, as well as the addition of Takashi Tateishi (Mega Man 2 composer) to the team. The campaign has crossed every single stretch goal set forth, and backers and gamers are set to reap the rewards.

When it releases, Mighty No. 9 will be coming to PC, Mac, Linux, Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4, PS Vita, Nintendo 3DS, and Wii U. Wow. Did you back the campaign? And will you be picking up Mighty No. 9 for 3DS or Wii U when it drops in April 2015?

Source: Kickstarter

4 Responses to “Mighty No. 9 Crowdfund Ends with Over $4 Million Raised”

  • 1294 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Sold! Will be buying on both, but I hope Inafune can slide his way under Capcom’s legal team.

      • 1294 points
        Robert Marrujo says...

        Meh, it was hard to tell from Inafune’s interview. He claims it was something that actually worried him a bit, but at the same time, he said other people have made similar games and didn’t face litigation. We’ll just have to see how vindictive Capcom is. He claims devs within the company are rooting for them, at least.

    • 1570 points
      penduin says...

      Capcom owns Mega Man, true, but they don’t and can’t own the idea of a side-scrolling jump-and-shoot game. (How many of those came out in the 80s and 90s? Hundreds?) Nor do they own anime-styled robots, power-ups or themed levels.

      Similar gameplay doesn’t equal legal dangers.

      There’s room (in gaming and in law) for both Solid Snake and Sam Fisher. There’s room for countless, seemingly-identical first-person shooters. There’s certainly room for both Mega Man and Beck.

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