5) Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem

GCN is often panned for being a game system for little kids, but the M-rated titles in its catalogue are among some of the best ever made. Case in point, 2002’s Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem. While many were pulled in by the game’s interesting central mystery and multiple protagonists, Eternal Darkness‘ biggest draw came from its constant psychological attacks on the player. Hordes of false enemies, foreboding sounds and imagery flashing across the screen, and fourth wall-breaking fake GCN error messages were all part of the experience, altering gameplay and intimidating the player in a very unique way. It’s really quite reminiscent of Metal Gear Solid‘s battle with Psycho Mantis, where the enemy used the player’s memory card and DualShock controller to feign actual mind powers. Eternal Darkness takes that approach to a whole new level and is thus very deserving of an HD remake. A fresh coat of paint would go a long way towards reinvigorating fan interest and reach out to a whole new audience. Perhaps Miiverse integration similar to Resident Evil: Revelations and Zombi U would help immerse the players further into this psychological thriller.
Fantastic list. You’re missing the original Super Monkey Ball, though. Also, from a personal standpoint, I’d say NHL Hitz 2003, but I don’t think that’ll ever happen. :)
Haha, hey, if Tony Hawk can do it, I say NHL Hitz 2003 deserves a shot! I totally forgot Monkey Ball; I’ll sacrifice Viewtiful Joe for it.
Great article. A good controlling Twilight Princess would be awesome. Eternal Darkness however needs a full revamp, and a simple upgrade to HD would be a waste of a time. Wind Waker was made with timeless graphics; ED is a bit dated.
Gc was a great console, i have almost all this games and i think they all could look amazing on hd, but you missed the most impressive looking gc game of all time. Rogue Leader Rogue Squadron II.
Good picks overall. Needs more Skies of Arcadia: Legends though. ;)