Top Ten: Kirby Helpers

From Kine the fish to Sir Kibble, we count down the best Kirby partners of the bunch!

By Mel Turnquist. Posted 05/06/2014 09:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

9) Parasol Waddle Dee

Appeared in: Kirby Super Star

He may not be as well known as Bandana Waddle Dee and his spear ability, but he is still a very worthwhile character to have on your squad. I always found the Parasol ability to be one of my favorites, and Waddle Dee can be a useful character to have around for that very reason.

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2 Responses to “Top Ten: Kirby Helpers”

  • 1294 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Great list! Kirby’s oddball pals have always been a favorite of mine. It always feels wrong to annihilate them on a regular basis, lol.

  • 678 points
    amishpyrate says...

    Excellent choices! Rick was my favorite too. Was bummed when Kirby’s dreamland 3 came out because I had already sold my SNES (what a mistake! Still haven’t gotten my new SNES collection up to what I used to have) to get n64 games. Saw rick was back and was crushed. Took me years to be able to play it

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