There Is a “0.0%” Chance of the SNES Versions of Mortal Kombat Appearing on Virtual Console

No chest-hair fatalities coming to Wii U!

By Marc Deschamps. Posted 05/05/2014 16:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

If you’re a fighting game fan hoping to play the Super Nintendo versions of Mortal Kombat again, you may want to hang on to your old cartridges. Any hope that the Nintendo-specific versions might eventually appear on the Virtual Console seemed to disappear this weekend. A fan asked series creator Ed Boon on Twitter about the likelihood of the Super Nintendo versions of Mortal Kombat 1-3 appearing on the service and Boon put it at a blunt “0.0%” chance. While this originally seemed to indicate that no version of the titles would appear, Boon later clarified his comments, stating that he’d rather have the Sega Genesis versions available on the service.

Midway’s franchise hasn’t had the best relationship with Nintendo systems, and it all started with the original Mortal Kombat. The Super Nintendo port is quite infamous for the many edits enforced by Nintendo, such as tamer fatalities (yanked out chest-hair, for example), the replacement of blood with “sweat,” and an overall lack of the gore that the franchise is now famous for. While Nintendo relented and allowed an unedited port of Mortal Kombat II to appear on the Super Nintendo, the damage was clearly done. One could likely pinpoint that moment as the start of Nintendo’s perception as a “kiddie” option for gamers. While Nintendo has done much to fight against that perception, it’s certainly something that has plagued the company ever since.

Would you like to see the Mortal Kombat franchise appear on the Virtual Console? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Nintendo Life

2 Responses to “There Is a “0.0%” Chance of the SNES Versions of Mortal Kombat Appearing on Virtual Console”

  • 678 points
    amishpyrate says...

    I’m betting there are just licensing issues in the way. This does lead me to wonder why Sega genesis games aren’t on the Wii u virtual console.

  • 1597 points
    penduin says...

    If Nintendo puts no effort into Virtual Console, why should anyone else bother?

    …That sounds really harsh. But in an alternate universe, owning a 3DS or Wii U allows you to download every single game Nintendo has ever published, and they worked with Sega and Atari to include their entire back catalogs too. In that beautiful fiction, I’m pretty sure nobody from Midway or anywhere else is saying stuff like this.

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