Top Ten: Kirby Helpers

From Kine the fish to Sir Kibble, we count down the best Kirby partners of the bunch!

By Mel Turnquist. Posted 05/06/2014 09:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

Welcome to yet another edition of Top Ten, where we count down the best of the best!

In this week’s edition, we will be counting down the ten best Kirby partners and helpers, in celebration of the release of Kirby: Triple Deluxe. In select Kirby games, players have been able to have helpers, which either manifested themselves as a chance for a Player 2 to join in the game, a unique animal friend who will assist you in finding a way to get through a level, or just some extra insurance CPU character to help you get through the game.

As a rule of thumb, I opted out of counting in Bandanna Waddle Dee, Meta Knight, or King Dedede. Everybody else is fair game.

So without further ado, here are the Top Ten Best Kirby Helpers and Partners!

Continue to number 10…

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2 Responses to “Top Ten: Kirby Helpers”

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Great list! Kirby’s oddball pals have always been a favorite of mine. It always feels wrong to annihilate them on a regular basis, lol.

  • 678 points
    amishpyrate says...

    Excellent choices! Rick was my favorite too. Was bummed when Kirby’s dreamland 3 came out because I had already sold my SNES (what a mistake! Still haven’t gotten my new SNES collection up to what I used to have) to get n64 games. Saw rick was back and was crushed. Took me years to be able to play it

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