Top Ten: Pokémon Spin-Offs

We rank the ten best Pokémon spin-off games!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 10/08/2013 09:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

6) Pokémon Rumble U

Released: 2013
Wii U

The Pokémon Rumble games are quick and energetic brawlers centered around windup toy Pokémon figures. Each Pokémon has a move set similar to their normal abilities in the mainline Pokémon games, but are limited to one or two attacks that are used in real-time fights. Players move the Pokémon around onscreen and engage waves of opposing toys, recruiting some and earning coins for upgrades from others. Each subsequent release since the series’ initial outing on WiiWare has improved on this formula, with this year’s Pokémon Rumble U being the pinnacle. Along with the standard gameplay, Rumble U introduced collectible mini Pokémon figures for use in-game. Players have the chance to purchase random figurines and, like Activision’s Skylanders games, scan them directly into Rumble U for use. Innovation with system peripherals has been a hallmark of the Pokémon games, and Rumble U‘s figure scanning was the first use of the Wii U GamePad’s NFC capabilities. Fun gameplay, irresistible figures, and a cool gimmick make Rumble U a great game.

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