Track of the Week: Trainer Battle (Pokémon Red, Blue & Yellow)

Celebrate the arrival of X & Y with a Pokémon Battle!

By Kyle England. Posted 10/06/2013 14:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

It’s officially Pokémon week! The worldwide launch of Pokémon X & Y is a mere 6 days from today, and if you aren’t gearing up and getting in a Trainer sort of mood, it’s time to set your priorities straight. Here at Nintendojo, we are more pumped for Pokémon than a Soda Pop infused Primeape! What better way to get pumped than with some music?

You’ve locked eyes with me! That means we have to battle! The Track of the Week on Nintendojo is an old classic. It’s the trainer battle theme from the first generation of Pokémon. Dreams are made, hopes are smashed, teams are swept, and creatures are leveled in the battlefield. Players of the old Game Boy most certainly spent a lot of time hearing this music, but its ability to set the mood and inspire competition never got old.

If you aren’t feeling quite as chiptuney this week, you can still hear this theme remixed for FireRed & LeafGreen. Either way, is your team battle-ready for the new generation of Pokémon that is soon to be upon us?

What are your favorite tunes from the Pokémon series? Listening to any themes on repeat to let the hype flow through you for the big releases on Saturday?

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