Top Ten: Pokémon Spin-Offs

We rank the ten best Pokémon spin-off games!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 10/08/2013 09:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

8) Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team and Red Rescue Team

Released: 2006
Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance

In an interesting twist, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team and Red Rescue Team cast the player as a Pokémon rather than a trainer. Both games began with the player taking a personality quiz in order to determine which Pokémon they would be during the course of the game. Whichever Pokémon they wound up as was revealed to be an amnesiac, trying to find out who they really are. Gameplay remained turn-based, but with simplified attack choices and a stronger emphasis on resource management. Players formed a team of Pokémon and embarked on missions assigned from various sources. The games were repetitive but fun, and seeing into the minds of Pokémon was an interesting departure from their usual role as silent partners. The Mystery Dungeon games demonstrated that the Pokémon themselves could be engaging in their own adventures, and that the core RPG elements of the mainline games were very adaptive.

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