PETA Releases Anti-Pokémon Flash Game

On the eve of X and Y, one group is less than excited.

By Marc Deschamps. Posted 10/11/2013 14:00 3 Comments     ShareThis

With Pokémon X and Y just hours away from release, many gamers are eager to play the series’ first 3DS entries. Unfortunately, not everyone is feeling the same level of excitement. PETA, an outspoken opponent of Ash Ketchum and his fellow trainers, has released a new flash game entitled Pokémon Red, White and Blue. The flash game enlists familiar pocket monsters with teaching players the virtues of being vegan. The game compares the practice of capturing the fictional creatures to animal cruelty. Nintendo has yet to issue a statement regarding the flash game.

This is not the first time PETA has attacked the Pokémon franchise. The group also released a previous Flash game to coincide with the release of Pokémon Black and White. This past March, they also decried Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag for allowing players to partake in whaling.

Do we have any vegan Pokémon fans at Nintendojo? Do you feel that the franchise does encourage some form of animal cruelty? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Source: GoNintendo

3 Responses to “PETA Releases Anti-Pokémon Flash Game”

  • 1294 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Absolutely mindless. Yes, by all means, attack a game that teaches about a union between people, animals, and nature. Pokemon fighting is portrayed as genuine sport, like boxing or wrestling, not some sick glorification of cock fighting. Some trainers are even shown training alongside their Pokemon! Ignorance at its absolute worst.

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    I’m a person, and I’m for the ethical treatment of animals, but holy crap. Do these folks actually do anything other than miss the point and come off as clueless, humorless bores? Seriously, _this_ is how they spend their resources?

    PETA gives us animal lovers a bad name. …In fact, I suddenly crave bacon.

  • 3 points
    Manu S. says...

    PETA are a bit like Westboro Baptist Church. The less attention we give to their inane antics, the better. Don’t feed the trolls ;)

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