Top Ten: Games to Replay in Summer

Sam counts down ten classic games to replay during the slow summer months.

By Sam Stewart. Posted 06/25/2014 09:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Screenshot

4. Star Fox 64

Star Fox 64 Screen

Sometimes when you are looking for a great game to replay you want something short and instantly satisfying. Given that Star Fox 64 is an action game that can be completed in about an hour, it might be the perfect candidate. This third-person rail shooter is all about precise movement, grabbing power-ups, and dispatching enemies as quickly as possible. With a boss battle at the end of every mission, Star Fox 64 offers epic moments at a rapid fire pace. Exceptional performance in one level may take you on a different path through the galaxy, so be sure to play until you’ve seen every planet and taken down every boss. No matter what way you take you will always come face to face with Andross in the final showdown. If you really want a challenge, try to get the medal on each stage. If you still have an N64, there is a good chance you have this game as well, but the 3DS version of the game is just as good (probably even better!).

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2 Responses to “Top Ten: Games to Replay in Summer”

  • 745 points
    OG75 says...

    Fantastic list and write-ups Sam. I find myself coming back to most of these as well. My personal list would include Super Castlevania IV as well (score another for the SNES!) Like you said, “sadly, there isn’t enough time to replay everything.” Happy Gaming!

  • 1294 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Never feel bad about telling people to play Ocarina of Time =) Dawn of Sorrow gave me a chuckle, because every time I see the box art of that game, it makes me think of Konami’s re-release of it. The cover for the re-release was… an image of the original box. Hahaha. That game is freaking awesome, though. All three of the DS Castlevania’s are out of this world. Wonderful list.

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