Top Ten: Games to Replay in Summer

Sam counts down ten classic games to replay during the slow summer months.

By Sam Stewart. Posted 06/25/2014 09:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Screenshot

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

I tried, readers, I promise I tried. I tried to feature games from all different series on this list, only the best title from each in terms of replayability. I figured Yoshi’s Island was different enough from Super Mario World to keep to that restriction, but by the time I reached the final spot I knew I had to double up on titles from my favorite series. If Link to the Past is the perfect example of retro Zelda, Ocarina of Time is the benchmark for the modern titles, which is impressive since it was the first game in the series to feature a 3D world. The Temples are big and filled with smart puzzles, the combat is great thanks to the brilliant targeting system, and the story is surprisingly grand despite taking backseat to the action most of the time. No matter how many times I beat this game, I find myself coming back each year. The world still manages to fill me with glee, and the experience of pulling the Master Sword from its pedestal will never lose its magnificence. Play any version you like, but the GameCube and 3DS versions feature the added Master Quest mode that makes the game’s dungeons more challenging.

So there they are, the ten best games to replay during summer. Maybe you’ve played some of them, maybe you’ve played them all. Either way, these games will offer great, immediately satisfying gaming experiences. Do you have any games you find yourself playing over and over again? Tell us about them in the comments below!

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2 Responses to “Top Ten: Games to Replay in Summer”

  • 745 points
    OG75 says...

    Fantastic list and write-ups Sam. I find myself coming back to most of these as well. My personal list would include Super Castlevania IV as well (score another for the SNES!) Like you said, “sadly, there isn’t enough time to replay everything.” Happy Gaming!

  • 1294 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Never feel bad about telling people to play Ocarina of Time =) Dawn of Sorrow gave me a chuckle, because every time I see the box art of that game, it makes me think of Konami’s re-release of it. The cover for the re-release was… an image of the original box. Hahaha. That game is freaking awesome, though. All three of the DS Castlevania’s are out of this world. Wonderful list.

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