Zelda Wii U Could Be a Multiplayer Game

Aonuma hints at the possibility in a recent interview.

By Sam Stewart. Posted 06/24/2014 17:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

In an interview with Game Informer about Tecmo Koei’s upcoming game Hyrule Warriors, Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma said some interesting things regarding the upcoming Zelda game for Wii U. When asked if Hyrule Warriors‘ co-op gameplay could ever make it into a main series Zelda game, he had this to say: “When I was talking about making Zelda more than just a single-player experience? That’s something you will see in the future, maybe next year.” Obviously we aren’t jumping to any conclusions just yet, but with Aonuma constantly talking about wanting to mix up the Zelda formula, it seems like a strong possibility.

I’m on the fence about whether or not I would want multiplayer in a main series Zelda title. They have always been some of the strongest single-player experiences on any console and I wouldn’t want that to change. Still, I’m open to new things, and I think that if Aonuma thinks it could work, then it probably can. What do you think? Do you want to see multiplayer in the next Zelda title? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: IGN

One Response to “Zelda Wii U Could Be a Multiplayer Game”

  • 1597 points
    penduin says...

    I think a two-player cooperative mode might work very well. Portal seemed like a uniquely single-player experience, but sure enough Portal 2’s co-op mode is nearly as brilliant as its main single-player game.

    The Four Swords subseries is quite fun, but very distinct from the “main” games. But knowing Nintendo, I wonder if something more asymmetrical is in the works. Something in-between Four Swords where everyone has their own Link and GameCube Tingle Tuner, where the second player has only the most elementary interaction.

    What if Navi or Midna or Fi could have optionally been controlled by a second player? (And if they could do more than blurt out obvious hints?) Some unique combat, the ability to use some of Link’s items (meaning he has to swap them out for the moment) or distract/manipulate enemies? Given the Wii U’s second display, perhaps the other player even perceives the world differently – a bombable crack invisible to Link, or a much bigger or smaller scale view of the area.

    …Probably we’ll get a player 2 pointer that helps collect rupees, but this is fun stuff to think about. :^)

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