On the eve of E3, CoroCoro magazine in Japan has revealed new details regarding Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. As expected, a number of Pokémon X and Y‘s innovations will carry over to the remade titles, while certain elements unique to the original Ruby and Sapphire versions will also return.
Mega Evolutions were one of Pokémon X and Y‘s more interesting additions, and we already have confirmation of at least three more unique to Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire: Sceptile, Swampert, and Diancie. Mega Sceptile becomes a Grass/Dragon type after evolution, while Mega Diancie’s type is listed as a cryptic “???” It appears that Mega Swampert will remain Water/Ground types. The titles (along with the rechristened “Mega Bangle”) will also take evolution a step backwards with Ancient Devolutions, as well. Groudon and Kyogre will have the ability to regress into more primal forms. How the Mega Evolutions and Ancient Devolutions will differ remains to be seen.
Since the game is being billed as a re-imagining rather than a remake, it’s interesting to see exactly what elements from the original Ruby and Sapphire are returning. Team Magma and Team Aqua will still plague our heroes, and the Mach and Acro bikes, two items that haven’t been seen in the series in over a decade, will also return. While it’s unknown if the game will still follow the same storyline as the original titles, the character designs all seem to be updated looks for the games’ original cast. Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire also seem to have settled a long-standing argument in the Pokémon community over whether the male character had white hair or a white hat.
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire will appear on Nintendo 3DS later this year. As usual, stay tuned to Nintendojo where we’ll have more information on the dual titles as it becomes available.
Source: Serebii.net