Live Stream: Smash Bros. Direct 04.08.2014

Watch today’s broadcast right here!

By Kevin Knezevic. Posted 04/08/2014 14:30 1 Comment     ShareThis

Nintendo’s Smash Bros. Direct will begin in a few short minutes. Join us as we watch the highly anticipated broadcast live!

One Response to “Live Stream: Smash Bros. Direct 04.08.2014”

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    I did not expect separate release dates for the 3DS and Wii U versions! I will consider the 3DS version’s summer release date a surprise bonus.

    Highlights for me: Pong (well, Nintendo’s clone of it), custom move sets, and the Smash Run mode. Final Destination remixed with a bunch of the other stages’ themes is a really great addition as well.

    Sounds like we’ll hear more about custom move sets later, but it looks like many moves (maybe all?) will be heavily tweakable. That ought to keep the hardcore Project M types busy figuring out their perfect tournament rule balance! :^) And better yet, it should also be great fun for people like me who have fun with Smash Bros but don’t spend days training in obscure techniques and frame-perfect cancels.

    Smash Run looks like a really fun way to mix things up, and I wonder what exclusive mode might await us in the Wii U version. Is “Smash Run 3D World” dreaming too big or too small? :^)

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