5 Things We’d Like to See in The Wind Waker HD

The legendary GameCube game is coming to Wii U this fall! Here’s some of the best improvements we want to see in the remake.

By Kyle England. Posted 02/08/2013 10:00 3 Comments     ShareThis

4. Gameplay tweaks and enhancements

The Wind Waker was a near-perfect game, but it could have used a few improvements here and there. What better opportunity than a remake to fix these issues? Some things that weren’t necessarily bad in the original could also stand to get some tuning up.

First of all, there needs to be a quicker way to get around the Great Sea. I’m not suggesting fast-travel, because that would ruin the experience of sailing. A simple fix would be to increase the number of shortcuts possible with the Ballad of Gales. Another way to make sailing a breeze (yeah, we went there) would be to streamline the process for changing the wind’s direction. It got rather tiresome having to play Wind’s Requiem over and over and over, so perhaps a simple stroke of your finger across the compass would do?

The swordplay in The Wind Waker could also have some more meat added to it. The game introduced the parry attack, but it was a simple matter of mashing A at the right time. There’s no reason the remake couldn’t implement some of the sword combos we learned from the Hero’s Shade in Twilight Princess. It would give the old guy Orca something to do besides smack that fish on his wall.

Lastly, something has to be done about that Triforce quest. Anything. Decrease the rupees it takes to decode the maps; split the quest up in between dungeons; make it easier to find the pieces while sailing… just please, please do something to make us not want to put down the game forever once the King of Red Lions says it’s time to find the Triforce of Courage!

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3 Responses to “5 Things We’d Like to See in The Wind Waker HD

  • 192 points
    Robin Wilde says...

    The cut content would be fantastic and I’d love to see it included. I imagine they still have all the art assests, etc. hanging around and it wouldn’t be too much of a problem to remake them.

  • 3 points
    jakrabbit says...

    I recon if they shrank the heads of main characters so they don’t look like lolipops they would increase the apeal of the game to a wider audience, thats my only gripe with the art design as it seems soley focused on children. Of coarse i don’t expect that to happen.

  • 288 points
    JPtheNintendoFan says...

    I’ve always thought the art design was fitting for the game. Yes the characters do look strange with bit heads and floating eyebrows, but overall this is a great game. If Nintendo can include the extra content (new dungeons, mini-games, useful islands, side quests, new items) then a great game would become much better. My Gamecube is still connected to the TV with Wind Waker in it but this is a 1st day purchase for me. Zelda fanboy…probably, but who cares.

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