Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity has been continuing Nintendo’s recent voyage into the world of DLC, with three new dungeons having been launched since the game’s release in Japan. Thankfully, the North American version will keep carrying the banner for digital distribution when it reaches stores on March 24.
Nintendo will release additional dungeons as time goes by for a currently undisclosed price, but at the very least we know gamers who jump on board early will get the first one, the Poké Forest Dungeon, for free. This is a limited time offer though, because the content will have a price tag attached come April 30.
Nintendo might have been slow on the draw when it came time to embrace DLC, but they have definitely taken big steps forward, especially on 3DS where games like New Super Mario Bros. 2 and even Fire Emblem have embraced the model. Even if it’s not one of the main releases, there is no denying that Pokémon in general has huge potential for game-extending content.
Source: Siliconera
The additions of multiplayer and dlc content to Mystery dungeon is great. I assume this is the end of the wonder codes used in previous games.