The latest game in the Harvest Moon series, known in Japan as Bokujo Monogatari: Tsunagaru Shintechi, will be finally coming to Nintendo 3DS in North America, but under a new title. Due to Natsume’s ownership of the rights to Harvest Moon, the game’s new publisher Marvelous AQL and its subsidiary Xseed Games have had to change the title to Story of Seasons for its Western release.
The game itself is still the same old Harvest Moon we all love. Even some series veterans like Yoshifumi Hashimoto (producer) and Igusa Matsuyama (character designer) have lent a hand in creating Story of Seasons, so don’t worry about not getting the authentic Harvest Moon experience.
While Story of Seasons is definitely not as catchy a name as Harvest Moon, I’m just happy to see the series continue to live on in the West.
What are your thoughts on the new title? Tell us in the comments!
Source: IGN