If you haven’t heard the sad news, publisher THQ is no more. Yesterday, many reports were made of various assets of THQ being sold off to other game companies as THQ folded. After many properties and studios were sold, a few have remained unsold, and one includes Vigil Games, developer of the Darksiders games.
One interested party may have already stepped forward. Today, Atsushi Inaba, head of Platinum Games, made an interesting tweet, translated as follows: “In THQ’s studio and IP selling off auction, Darksiders is unsold? [We] wanna buy it…on the cheap…”
Platinum Games is known for such games as Bayonetta, MadWorld, and the upcoming Wii U title The Wonderful 101. If this tweet is serious, we might see some interesting results. This could also be good news for Wii U owners, as Platinum Games seems to be Nintendo’s newest buddy and development partner.
Source: Nintendo Life