Since the dawn of the N64, Nintendo consoles have suffered from an undeniable drought of RPGs. One of the few exceptions, however, was Tales of Symphonia, which was both a critical and financial success on the GameCube. Since then, Nintendo systems have seen two other Tales titles: the Wii sequel, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, and Tales of the Abyss on Nintendo 3DS. While these titles didn’t receive quite the same critical and financial success as Symphonia, could the Wii U see a new Tales title as well?
In a recent interview with, series producer Hideo Baba shared his thought on the likelihood of the Tales series making a Nintendo console comeback.
“I believe the success of Tales of Symphonia has multiple factors to it, the first being that it was the first Tales title that was rendered in 3D polygons, so we believe that was a huge component to its success. Another huge component was that we had a lot of support from Nintendo, so that allowed us to reach out to a broader audience that we weren’t able to reach before.”
As for why we haven’t seen other Tales games on Nintendo consoles, Baba said, “Our main target audience for the Tales franchise is still ultimately Japan, so when we make a game we want to target our main fanbase.” He went on to elaborate:
“So we like the idea of the Wii U– we think it’s a great system– and if it becomes more and more successful in the future that’s a console we would like to tap eventually, but for the time being we don’t have any plans and we are focused on maintaining our fanbase on PlayStation 3. It’s not really about our opinions on whether or not it’s a good system; ultimately it becomes a question of, ‘What consoles do our fans have?'”
So, there you have it, folks. While it isn’t as promising as we might hope, it is good to see that the people at Namco Tales Studio aren’t calling it out of the question.
Would you want to see Tales of Xillia get a Wii U port? Or has the Wii U already had more than enough of those? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Source: Destructoid