Top Ten: Mario Party Minigames

We take a look at the best Mario Party minigames to date!

By Anthony Vigna. Posted 10/22/2013 09:00 4 Comments     ShareThis

4. Bombs Away – Mario Party 2

Type: Free-for-all minigame

Bombs Away was first introduced in the original Mario Party, and plays almost exactly like the version found in Mario Party 2. In this minigame, four players stand on a tiny island while being assaulted by cannon fire from a ship in the distance. The impact of each cannonball makes the island rock back and forth, making it difficult to stay on. If you are standing on the ground while a cannonball hits the island, your character is stunned and will be defenseless against incoming attacks for a few seconds. If a cannonball hits a player, they are knocked out, and the last man standing wins.

The fight to stay alive is always a challenge in both versions. However, the Mario Party 2 version reigns superior due to one simple addition that was added to the game. In this version, a ship that resembles Bowser is attacking you, and when the game reaches the last five seconds, the head of the ship turns and spits out a huge Bullet Bill from its mouth! This massive attack helps determine the victor in a stalemate and often leads to a lot of interesting results.

Mario Party excels when it’s unpredictable, and victory is as uncertain as ever when this giant Bullet Bill attacks your small island!

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4 Responses to “Top Ten: Mario Party Minigames”

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    I remember when the first Mario Party came out, Nintendo offered everyone the chance to get a glove to keep from burning holes into the palms of their hands. This series is always fun. Great picks!

    • 180 points
      Anthony Vigna says...

      I remember that all too well! The N64 control sticks were often huge victims of the original Mario Party minigames as well. I went through a couple of controllers just for Mario Party, and I have no regrets.

    • 784 points
      Marc Deschamps says...

      The blisters I got from the first Mario Party were kind of unbelievable in retrospect. I pretty much tore my hand apart playing some of those games.

      Like Anthony, I regret nothing. :)

      Also, no Bumper Balls??

  • 180 points
    Anthony Vigna says...

    I know that feeling all too well, Marc!

    Haha I love Bumper Balls, but I opted to take it out because I often got into stalemates when two players were left on the field. But, it’s definitely an awesome minigame :)

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