Pikmin 3 continues to see post-release support from Nintendo, with a third round of DLC coming our way December 2. To play the new content, players will have to download a game update that will be available the same day. The four mission mode and four battle mode stages would be exciting enough on their own, but Nintendo ratcheted anticipation up a notch by announcing that Captain Olimar and Louie will be making playable appearances this time around! Nice.
The stages will be sporting new environments not recycled from Pikmin 3‘s campaign, including a house during the holidays and a mystery factory. Players who download the DLC will also be treated to two new Fortress of Festivity stages, as well. Pikmin 3 continues to entertain months after its release; it’s great to see the title get the attention it deserves.
Are you planning on downloading the new DLC? Does the thought of playing as Captain Olimar again make the proposition irresistible? Comment below!
Source: Nintendo Direct