It’s been quite the eventful year for the green-clad plumber, but Nintendo doesn’t want the fun to end just yet; according to Mr. Miyamoto himself, the Year of Luigi, which kicked off February 14, 2013, will continue on until March 18 of this year. In his Miiverse post, Miyamoto stated that “all good things must come to an end” but that he hopes “everyone continues to cheer for the green brother!”
With the conclusion of the Year of Luigi also comes an end to the ability to contribute new posts or comments to the Year of Luigi Community and its Developer’s Room. Check the exact dates and times in which each community will stop accepting posts in their respective descriptions, and get your posts in while you still can!
Source: Kotaku
Not a fan of the “Year of the Luigi.”
I love the Green Brother. He’s always provided excellent contrast to Mario, and the existence of Luigi really put Mario’s “play-style” (look towards the original Super Mario Bros. 2) as a unique thing – rather than as the “only” thing.
He also allowed two people to play what essentially were single player games – allowing for the propagation and sharing of those Mario memories right from the start.
But Luigi, despite being awesome as back-up, is the secondary of the two brothers. Nintendo coming out and saying “Year of Luigi” was the equivalent of them saying “Year of Second Place!”
Nothing about the premise of the idea stood on firm ground. Mario gets all the spot-light, so we need to put some on Luigi? Excuse me, but according to Super MARIO 3D World, that spot-light should really have been on Mario.
You know – because that’s what the WORLD recognizes as Nintendo’s thing – Mario. Not Luigi. Mario. It’s the Super MARIO Brothers. So, in a year where your number one mascot is coming out with a 10/10 gaming experience that is crucially needed to move units, and you spend your advertising budget on promoting his almost-unknown brother?
The year when your competition – yes Nintendo, they are your competition – comes out with their new consoles – you’re advertising yourself, like, literally advertising yourself as being in the thralls of a year-long second-place celebration?
It should have been the year of the Mario. There should have been Nintendo Direct’s that created a Youtube-esque video series that look at Mario’s past. It should have shown him before we recognized him, as the original jump man, and then through a moving collage of some of the greatest music written ever, have Koji Kondo back up some of Mario’s greatest moments ever. Get people talking. Get people recalling Mario. Then deliver one of the biggest Mario experiences people have seen over the past fifteen years.
Or, Year of the Luigi. Because, you know, mass-market appeal? Mass-market recognition? An exasperated play on the “norm” for all the faithful who’ve been pulling along till this point – almost kind of acknowledging, “Yes, there has been way too much Mario recently.”
What’s next? Year of the Tingle?
There were some interesting moments that came about from this year. The highlight for me might have been the Luigi L Train promotion.
I only wish that rumor of the Dark Moon Wii U port had come true.
Hey, there’s still hope; E3 2014 is still a few months away =)