NintenBros Episode 002: 5 Reasons to Love (and Hate!) the Wii U!

Topics range from mascot games, the “magic” only Nintendo games seem to possess, and some insightful, comedic discussion about Wii U!

By Dustin Grissom. Posted 02/23/2014 09:00 Comment on this     ShareThis


Episode 002: Top 5 Reasons to Love (and Hate!) the Wii U!

Who are the Nintenbros?

Dustin Grissom (in the red hat) and Sam Wright (in the inferior green hat) are the hosts for the comedic (we hope), topic-oriented NintenBros podcast. Instead of a weekly report on current events in the video game world (which we still tend to typically discuss here and there), we pick an interesting, debate-initiating topic every week. With a merge of comedy, real insight and discussion, as well as a plethora of off-the-rails (but still relevant… usually), fun topics, NintenBros is certainly a podcast that the Nintenbros personally suggest you listen to!

This Week’s Rundown

We begin this chapter of the always dramatic Nintenbros saga with phallic microphones, which luckily leads to something entirely different: what we are currently playing. This leads to a brief discussion on mascot gaming, which games we loved as a child (Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, anyone?), Ratchet and Clank (??), along with many more, endearing discussions. Of course, after some expected witty banter, the Nintenbros open up a whole new can of worms with their lists of the top 5 reasons to love and hate the Wii U. This leads to some engaging dialogue related to the “magic”  Nintendo games seem to always posses, why ZombiU is awesome, why the Wii U is essential, and more! Have a listen!

Email Us!

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Also, you can check out of YouTube channel HERE! There is a cool Zelda comedy video you may like!

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