Retail Version of Wii Sports Club Coming to North America

Nintendo’s juggernaut sports compilation will be receiving a packaged release in North America as well.

By Kevin Knezevic. Posted 06/06/2014 19:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

Following the news that a retail version of Wii Sports Club will be released in Europe on June 27, Nintendo has announced that it will also be bringing the sports compilation to North American stores one month later, on July 25.

Wii Sports Club is an enhanced remake of the original Wii Sports, the pack-in title that helped propel Wii to become one of Nintendo’s most successful consoles. Along with improved motion controls, each of the game’s five sports– tennis, bowling, golf, baseball, and boxing– features online play and a high definition sheen. Players can download each sport individually from the Wii U eShop for $9.99, or can “rent” them for a 24-hour period for $1.99.

The packaged version of Wii Sports Club will retail for $39.99. An eShop bundle of all five sports will also be available on June 26.

Have you already downloaded Wii Sports Club? Or will you be picking up the retail version? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Siliconera

2 Responses to “Retail Version of Wii Sports Club Coming to North America”

  • 819 points
    Toadlord says...

    Not dissing Wii Sports, but I hope they don’t spend much time talking about this at E3. I also wonder if they’ll do any promoting for this.

  • 1597 points
    penduin says...

    I played a bit during the free weekend promotion, but meh. I don’t have the heart to delete it, but I can’t imagine ever buying any of the sports.

    To me this game is just a sore reminder of how badly Nintendo dropped the ball regarding backwards compatibility. We could have had 1080p-rendered ‘Cube and Wii games, on their original discs and/or in download form, but instead we got a clumsy Wii mode with a broken, half-assed off-screen implementation and smearily-upscaled visuals.

    I don’t mind remakes, and I love Wind Waker HD, but maybe it feels like too soon to be double-dipping Wii games.

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