During last week’s investor’s call, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot noted the Wii U’s “slow launch” had impacted the publisher’s sales figures for the recent period. However, he also asserted his belief that Nintendo’s recent announcement of several new first-party titles (traditionally Nintendo’s biggest system-selling games) might help to “boost its potential.”
This news comes during a worrisome period for Nintendo, following EA’s assertion that the next generation has yet to begin, as well as the announcement that not only will Ubisoft’s next game, the long-awaited Rayman Legends, be multiplatform, it will also be pushed back to the end of the year, even on Wii U. However, Ubisoft say it is “satisfied with [its] market share,” which can be taken as a sign that the publisher has not yet given up hope for Nintendo’s newest machine.
Source: Nintendo Everything
Same old rountine of “Oh we love the system!” and then come the launch “Uh we don’t know anymore.” Nintendo handed the WiiU to third parties on a platter, and they refuse to do anything and make excuses. Just like with the Wii.
What the fuck ever, if I am treated this way by third parties then they don’t deserve my respect at all. Have fun selling Rayman Legends against other games, UbiSoft.