News Desk: Konami Explains Why Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Isn’t on Wii U

The studio just doesn’t have enough resources to port it over in time for release.

By Kyle England. Posted 02/11/2013 15:00 3 Comments     ShareThis

So Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 won’t be on Wii U. Yet another game isn’t getting a Wii U release, but in this case publisher Konami actually wanted to bring the title to Nintendo’s new system, but simply couldn’t.

Dave Cox, a producer at Konami, spoke with Dutch website, and clarified why Lords of Shadow 2 won’t be gracing Wii U. He said the company just doesn’t have the resources right now. According to Cox, to make a Wii U version would take another 20-30 people on the project. Plus, the new Castlevania is just so far along in development now that to start work on another version would hinder the efforts so far. “That’s the only reason there won’t be a Wii U-version, it’s not that we don’t want to make it, it’s just that it wouldn’t make sense for us to do so right now.”

It’s disappointing, but understandable. Games don’t develop themselves out of thin air. At least he isn’t writing off Wii U as an entire platform like some other publishers have already done. Perhaps there’s hope for a Wii U edition of the game after it’s been released?

Source: Nintendo Life

3 Responses to “News Desk: Konami Explains Why Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Isn’t on Wii U”

  • 1597 points
    penduin says...

    If Wii U becomes the place where enhanced editions of games come out a while after they’re released elsewhere… Actually I’m completely OK with that.

    I played Batman and am currently playing Assassin’s Creed on Wii U, and while both are pretty straightforward ports, even minimal gamepad features and a Miiverse channel add something to the experience. There are so many games to play and so little time in my life that getting stuff right away just isn’t the priority it once was.

    All that said, I really wish there wasn’t so much God of War in today’s Castlevania. It’s a huge turn-off. Even the 3DS version looks too GoW-y. Continue the GBA/DS style, or reboot Castlevania 64 (very underrated in my opinion), but this simon-says, combo-buying crap needs to die. And not the Dracula kind of death where it comes back in a hundred years.

  • 39 points
    RocketsAstrosTexans says...

    Yes I completely agree, why don’t they make a HD version or a WiiU spinoff of one of the N64 versions?, those games were so good that you kept on coming back even with its flaws (the only ones better were NES & SNES). I would put my bills down for it. If they can remake WW from the GC then they can do the same for the 64. Are we the only two people left that knows how good the 64 game was?

    • 1597 points
      penduin says...

      I’ve met at least one other person who appreciated Castlevania 64, and I’ve seen some speedruns, but yeah we’re not exactly a large group. For whatever reason, God of War fans are. *shrug*

      Fans of the 2D Metroid-vania style are pretty easy to come by, though. Maybe that’s why they went side-view on 3DS. But from everything I’ve seen, putting the camera off to the side does not a real 2D Castlevania make.

      As unlikely as it is to be made, a Wii U version of Castlevania 64 would work really well. The most tedious part of that game was the menus, sifting through looking for a sun card or a health item. Not a problem on the touch screen! …Ahh well, we can dream. :^)

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