Before the end of today’s Nintendo Direct broadcast, NOA president Reggie Fils-Aime announced that the popular Wii platformer Donkey Kong Country Returns would be making its way to the 3DS this summer. Dubbed Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, Retro’s critically-acclaimed take on the Donkey Kong Country series will be completely refitted for the 3DS hardware, making use of its stereoscopic visuals to give some more depth to its gorgeous backdrops.
No further details on the title have been announced, but a special 3D video of the game will be available exclusively on the eShop later today.
Source: Nintendo Direct
it looks like it has the same content as the wii one, the graphics have been scaled down a little, but i guess that the 3d effect and the small screen will make them look even. Im not gonna buy it though because i played the wii version too much already.