Nintendo released a brand new trailer for Mario Kart 8 today which reveals some of the new features you can expect to see, such as moustaches waving merrily in the wind.
It contains a substantial amount of anti-gravity racing and also shows off a number of new tracks– including a great looking remake of the Rainbow Road from Mario Kart 64. We also get our first glimpse at two new items: the Piranha Plant pot, which chomps other racers who come to close, and the Boomerang, which can be thrown up to three times, hitting enemies on the way out and back for skilled players!
A recent hands-on with the game also revealed how the game makes use of the Wii U GamePad. A set of touch panels allow you to easily switch to Off-TV play, bring up the map, or change to motion controls.
While Sonic & All-Star Racing Transformed enabled the GamePad and TV to display separate views during multiplayer, it has been confirmed that Off-TV play here will instead see the GamePad screen mirror that of the television’s.
You will be able to experience all this and more when Mario Kart 8 is released on May 30.
Source: IGN
Nice! The retooled N64 Rainbow Road looks stunning. And Toad’s Turnpike is one of my all-time favorite levels, which they showed off in that Nintendo Minute today.
I guess the online features are the big thing that need to be shown off next. I’m hopeful they’ve made some positive tweaks since Wii. Personally I want battles to be more customizable, like having smaller parties and being able to choose the game mode each round.