April Fools’ Day is that magical time of year when websites and news organizations attempt to trick their regular visitors with fake stories. It’s been a staple of the video game industry for many years, and includes such examples as GamePro Magazine’s infamous “LamePro” issues, or Nintendojo’s own Pokémon-themed first-person shooter (Pokéhunter) from quite some time ago. Unfortunately, April Fools’ Day can often be a day of consternation for gamers, as we’ve all fallen for at least one of those stories at some point. That being said, Google’s gag this year is sure to appeal to Pokémon fans with a fun, interactive experience.
The Google Maps Pokémon Challenge tasks players with finding Pokémon hidden in the Google Maps App. Pokémon are hidden throughout the world, and can be caught by simply clicking on their image. After a few minutes of playing around with the app, I was able to find a Salamence hiding in the New York City area. Google says that they’ll hire the person that proves to be the world’s greatest Pokémon master, but be advised that this probably ties into the “fools” part of the day. Still, it’s a fun little diversion if you’re looking to kill some time!
Stay tuned to Nintendojo, where I swear we won’t try to deceive you with any fake news tomorrow. Promise. In the meantime, let us know how many pocket monsters you’re able to catch in the app in the comments below!
Source: Kotaku