Top Ten: Zelda Games

We crown the number one Zelda game!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 10/01/2014 09:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

3) The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

Released: Nintendo 64 (2000)

Death. Betrayal. Coming of age. Those are just some of the themes that ran throughout Majora’s Mask, and the game was all the better for tackling them. Following the success of Ocarina of Time, Nintendo wanted to capitalize on the series’ renewed popularity by quickly developing and releasing a sequel. Majora’s Mask was that game, but it went in a wildly different direction than its predecessor. Though it starred Young Link, Majora’s Mask was grim and dark, thrusting the boy in a race against time to save the alternate reality of Termina from destruction by a falling moon. Link would relive the same three days over and over in order to do so, repeatedly traveling back through time to try and complete his quest. Outside of Twilight Princess, Majora’s Mask was also one of the most mature and gritty entries in the series, and was incredibly engaging, as a result. The game’s 72 hour cycling can be divisive, but there’s no denying the sheer brilliance that is Majora’s Mask.

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2 Responses to “Top Ten: Zelda Games”

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    Nice list, and it had to be pretty tough to rank so many beloved gems! I’d put Link’s Awakening higher and Minish Cap lower (maybe even kick it off the list and include the Oracle duo) but everything here is solid.

    Spirit Tracks remains the one Zelda title I haven’t finished. Every time I pick it up, I’m quickly turned off by the central Tower of Tedium. If the otherwise fun and memorable Phantom Hourglass hadn’t had a similar Basement of Boredom, I’d have tried to squeeze it into a top ten.

  • 3 points
    Nubs says...

    Cool list.
    I hope yall dont mind me saying mine hehe…
    1- Twilight Princess
    2- Wind Waker
    3- Skyward Sword
    4- A Link Between Worlds
    5- Majora’s Mask
    6- Phantom Hourglass
    7- Spirit Tracks
    8- The Legend of Zelda
    9- Four Swords
    10- Minish Cap

    Thank yall!!

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