New Wii U System Update Released

Version 5.2.0 adds a filing system, tweaks interface, and makes other changes.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 09/30/2014 18:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

Nintendo has released the latest firmware for Wii U, version 5.2.0. While it might not reinvent the console, it does make a few noteworthy tweaks to it.

Most will probably agree the most significant change is the ability to group software tiles into folders on the system’s main menu. This should definitely make navigating the system much simpler, especially for those of us who do a lot of downloading.

The Home Menu has been tweaked, with the onscreen buttons moved around and the “Close Home Menu” button being changed to read “Resume.”

The Quick Start menu has received two noteworthy changes. First, the menu can now be accessed by pressing the TV button the Wii Remote, in addition to the power button. Second, you can now exclude some software from the Quick Start screen through the system settings.

Nintendo has also incorporated a clever little idea into the eShop experience. When entering a download or activation code, the system will no longer display symbols that are never used in the codes, on the onscreen keyboard.

Finally, like always, this update includes, “Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user’s experience.”

So, go ahead and download the new update and let us know how it works for you!

Source: Nintendo

2 Responses to “New Wii U System Update Released”

  • 819 points
    Toadlord says...

    For now, I’ve moved all of the permanent apps that I never used into one folder to allow for less clutter. That alone is a welcome addition/subtraction.

  • 1597 points
    penduin says...

    Folders! Beautiful folders! Now I don’t have to scroll through how many pages to dig up any of my probably-too-many downloaded games. As Toadlord said, it’s great to tuck the seldom-used stuff out of the way too.

    Now I can move on and hope for other 3DS functionality like notes and icon sizes whenever there’s an update. :^)

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