8) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Released: Wii/GameCube (2006)
Plenty has been said about what Twilight Princess isn’t, but not enough is ever said about what it is. In a nutshell, Twilight Princess is the culmination of years of clamoring for the Zelda series to take a turn down a darker and more mature path. Both visually and tonally, the game skewed toward a more adult take on Link and Hyrule that had rarely been seen before. Boasting a robust and epic quest, uncanny graphics, and excellent play control, Twilight Princess took things up yet another notch with a moving and fascinating narrative, as well. Transforming Link into a wolf introduced a fascinating new mechanic that was simultaneously familiar and foreign, and opened a whole new host of puzzles and challenges. Though the game is polarizing for a number of reasons (including the controversial decision to not feature Zant as the sole antagonist), it is nonetheless a strong, memorable addition to Zelda series’ history.
Nice list, and it had to be pretty tough to rank so many beloved gems! I’d put Link’s Awakening higher and Minish Cap lower (maybe even kick it off the list and include the Oracle duo) but everything here is solid.
Spirit Tracks remains the one Zelda title I haven’t finished. Every time I pick it up, I’m quickly turned off by the central Tower of Tedium. If the otherwise fun and memorable Phantom Hourglass hadn’t had a similar Basement of Boredom, I’d have tried to squeeze it into a top ten.
Cool list.
I hope yall dont mind me saying mine hehe…
1- Twilight Princess
2- Wind Waker
3- Skyward Sword
4- A Link Between Worlds
5- Majora’s Mask
6- Phantom Hourglass
7- Spirit Tracks
8- The Legend of Zelda
9- Four Swords
10- Minish Cap
Thank yall!!