5) The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Released: Nintendo 3DS (2013)
It’s not often that a Zelda game gets a direct sequel, particularly after 20 years, but that’s exactly what happened when Nintendo dropped A Link Between Worlds. Set after the events of A Link to the Past, A Link Between Worlds returned to the Hyrule of Link’s SNES adventure, but offered a fresh and exhilarating new look at that game’s overworld. Though the locations were familiar, Nintendo overhauled everything, updating the graphics with a 3D aesthetic while returning to the top-down gameplay that had been neglected for far too long. In a welcome change of pace, Nintendo completely overhauled dungeon progression and item procurement for this game, returning the sense of freedom that made the first Zelda so enchanting. Easily as thoughtful and fun as the game from which it drew inspiration, A Link Between Worlds also offered a great story with a fun twist at the end. It’s hard to believe that the magic of a game as classic as A Link to the Past could be recreated, but Nintendo somehow did just that with A Link Between Worlds. It currently sits atop the throne as the best traditional Zelda game to date!
Nice list, and it had to be pretty tough to rank so many beloved gems! I’d put Link’s Awakening higher and Minish Cap lower (maybe even kick it off the list and include the Oracle duo) but everything here is solid.
Spirit Tracks remains the one Zelda title I haven’t finished. Every time I pick it up, I’m quickly turned off by the central Tower of Tedium. If the otherwise fun and memorable Phantom Hourglass hadn’t had a similar Basement of Boredom, I’d have tried to squeeze it into a top ten.
Cool list.
I hope yall dont mind me saying mine hehe…
1- Twilight Princess
2- Wind Waker
3- Skyward Sword
4- A Link Between Worlds
5- Majora’s Mask
6- Phantom Hourglass
7- Spirit Tracks
8- The Legend of Zelda
9- Four Swords
10- Minish Cap
Thank yall!!