5. C-Wars (3DS/Wii U)
Current Release Date: Q1 2014
Fire Emblem fans seeking their next outing in the strategy genre should not hesitate to look at Onipunks’ C-Wars. This beautiful rouge-like is a crossover between Action RPGs and RTS games, and has some of the best pixel animation I have ever seen in a video game. Some attacks of in-game characters even resemble the critical hit animations of GBA Fire Emblem titles, but if they were on steroids. Seriously, take a look at this! This beautiful animation, coupled with an innovative combat system, makes C-Wars highly desirable in my eyes. The non-linear storyline set in a post-apocalyptic world is only the icing on the cake, making this one game that will be hard for me to ignore.
Two things. First, if they were further along in development I’d add the Kickstarter projects Hyper Light Drifter and Paradise Lost–and fairly high up–but since they’re really still at the stage of hopeful we can just keep them in mind for a similar list this time next year. Second, if you made a list of the top ten anticipated major studio games, I’d be hard pressed to say which I’d rather play, especially if you excluded games like Zelda U and X, which are similarly not far enough along (so far as we know). I hope that says more about indie gaming than it does the major studios.
Really anticipating Two Brothers, that game has a lot of potential and makes me happy to see a developer showing appreciation for Game Boy’s graphical stylings; GB games are often unceremoniously slammed for their graphics, which is a real shame.
Interested in 5 out the 10 listed… including a couple that I hadn’t heard of before this article. Not bad!
Lots of indie games don’t live up to the hype, but there have been enough really *really* good ones to make up for any disappointment. 3DS eShop has been by far the best part of that console for me, and it looks like Wii U has a lot of great content coming before long too. Awesome!