Nintendo Opens Canadian Mobile Shopping Website

Canadian Shoppers can browse “” for Nintendo holiday gift ideas from their phone or tablet.

By Kyle England. Posted 11/25/2013 12:30 Comment on this     ShareThis

In the ongoing race to dominate the holidays, Nintendo has launched a new mobile website called intended for Canadian holiday shoppers. The special website has a mobile interface, and it’s only accessible from a smartphone or tablet. On the luscious blue pages, you can find information about basically every Nintendo published game and console. There’s even pages dedicated to answering Nintendo’s most pressing question: “What is Wii U?”

It’s a neat little website, I suppose. Even though it’s intended for Canada, the products are in America as well so it’s a universal shopping guide! Perhaps it can make someone’s Nintendo shopping a little bit easier. Send it over to your mom in a text message or something. You can visit this site right here if you’re using a mobile device.

Source: GoNintendo

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