Mario 3D World the Holiday’s Best Game?

So says a recent post in the New York Times.

By Jason Strong. Posted 11/26/2013 15:00 4 Comments     ShareThis

There are either covert Nintendo fanboys concealed within the ranks of major media outlet the New York Times or else they, like many other intelligent adults, have finally recognized the fact that Nintendo makes some of the greatest games upon the face of the earth. In a recent post, the Times’ Chris Suellentrop called out Nintendo’s newest release in its flagship franchise Super Mario 3D World as “the most entertaining game that has been released this fall for any system,” even going so far as to state that Wii U is the only new console with a game worth playing this holiday season.

The article, while genuinely favorable toward the Big N, does acknowledge what has definitely been a rough year for the company in the home console space, with sales of the platform remaining largely unimpressive after a brief surge at the product’s launch. Suellentrop points to 3D World, however, as perhaps a saving grace for the floundering device, and a testament to the wisdom of waiting to pick up home consoles until they actually have games to play.

Source: New York Times

4 Responses to “Mario 3D World the Holiday’s Best Game?”

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Chuckle; next gen is SO last year. Nintendo might not have put out a ton of software in the first year of Wii U’s life, but with one game they’ve trounced anything available for the competition’ shiny new boxes.

  • 222 points
    PanurgeJr says...

    Bearing in mind that I have not played a number of candidates, mostly because I don’t care to, there are two reasons why SM3DW is my GOTY.

    1) Gameplay. I made sure to finish The Last of Us prior to the launch of 3DW. (I had a day to spare.) I absolutely loved it. It deserves every accolade it gets. However, when you boil it down it is at its worst when you are most involved in the gameplay. It is as though there are two games that you jump between. The first should be called Explore Hauntingly Beautiful World, the second Naughty Dog Generic Shooter #4. Don’t let anybody fool you: however good the story is in TLoU, it no more explains why you have to face wave after wave of enemy than any other shooter’s story. That’s the gameplay; you just do. The story and the gameplay are distinct, and for me the latter intruded on the former far too often. And the gameplay is not that interesting.

    2) Accessibility. In two weeks my brother’s kids will be 10, 8, and 6. In their house of three kids and one parent who grew up with games four player games are perfect (his wife undoubtedly thinks she’s not missing out). In 3DW they have a game which is not just as fun multiplayer, but exponentially more ridiculously fun. And isn’t fun, in the end, what games are for? Especially games that are as fun for a 36 year old man who has been doing it for decades, as for his 6 year old daughter who has enjoying herself as her only criterion.

  • 33 points
    Barcia06 says...

    Mario, Woo Hoo !!!

  • 1244 points
    lukas85 says...

    THIS! Mario is the best game of the year!

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