Top Ten: Most Anticipated Indie Games

There are plenty of indie games coming out soon, but which ones stand out above the rest?

By Anthony Vigna. Posted 11/26/2013 09:00 3 Comments     ShareThis

1. Two Brothers (Wii U)

Two Brothers Promo Shot

Current Release Date: Q1 2014

A lot of games these days try to mock retro aesthetics to appeal to a gamer’s nostalgia, but Ackk Studios’ Two Brothers is the first game that I have seen that copies Game Boy-style visuals in black and white. Not only is this a clever art style choice, but it also serves to portray the main theme of the entire game. When one of the brothers has a near death experience in the story, he is brought to an afterlife that is full of color, causing him to gain strong motivations of bringing color to his world. So, as you progress and seek out answers, the game’s world will start to gain more and more color. The afterlife becomes a very important place too, as every in-game death will always take you to this colorful world of the dead instead of a traditional game over screen. This makes death an important mechanic of the game, as it may be necessary to kill yourself to traverse between the two different worlds.

The concept of Two Brothers is incredibly unique, yet retains so many familiar elements of gameplay from The Legend of Zelda and Secret of Mana at the same time. The game creates a perfect blend of new and old, having me in high anticipation for the game’s release.

Are you looking forward to any of these ten games? Have I missed something that you are really excited about? Sound off in the comments below!

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3 Responses to “Top Ten: Most Anticipated Indie Games”

  • 222 points
    PanurgeJr says...

    Two things. First, if they were further along in development I’d add the Kickstarter projects Hyper Light Drifter and Paradise Lost–and fairly high up–but since they’re really still at the stage of hopeful we can just keep them in mind for a similar list this time next year. Second, if you made a list of the top ten anticipated major studio games, I’d be hard pressed to say which I’d rather play, especially if you excluded games like Zelda U and X, which are similarly not far enough along (so far as we know). I hope that says more about indie gaming than it does the major studios.

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Really anticipating Two Brothers, that game has a lot of potential and makes me happy to see a developer showing appreciation for Game Boy’s graphical stylings; GB games are often unceremoniously slammed for their graphics, which is a real shame.

  • 849 points
    ejamer says...

    Interested in 5 out the 10 listed… including a couple that I hadn’t heard of before this article. Not bad!

    Lots of indie games don’t live up to the hype, but there have been enough really *really* good ones to make up for any disappointment. 3DS eShop has been by far the best part of that console for me, and it looks like Wii U has a lot of great content coming before long too. Awesome!

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