Top Ten: Most Anticipated eShop Games of 2015

Look out for these excellent eShop games this year!

By Anthony Vigna. Posted 01/21/2015 09:00 7 Comments     ShareThis


Estimated Release Date: Early 2015

Ever since I heard about STARWHAL during last year’s E3, I knew I had to have it. After all, who could resist a game where you compete in a narwhal deathmatch in space? Sure, the game sounds ridiculous, but the gameplay’s hectic nature looks like tons of fun and reminds me why local multiplayer games are so great. While flopping around each map, you must achieve balance and stab your opponents in the heart to destroy them. This makes the game easy to learn but hard to master, making it accessible to all kinds of players.

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7 Responses to “Top Ten: Most Anticipated eShop Games of 2015”

  • 819 points
    Toadlord says...

    I’m hoping for A Hat in Time on Wii U in 2015.

    Since there’s no release date yet it’s a bit of a long shot, I’ll admit. But they’ve stopped just short of announcing it for Wii U so I have faith.

  • 849 points
    ejamer says...

    Great list! Some were expecting, some forgotten, and a few were completely new to me. Definitely some games worth looking forward to though.

  • 111 points
    roykoopa64 says...

    Thanks for putting this list together! I have a hard time keeping track of these games, and so many of these are definitely worth looking forward to.

  • 849 points
    ejamer says...

    Affordable Space Adventures – how could I have forgotten about this game? It looks great, and should be out this year.

    • 180 points
      Anthony Vigna says...

      Good choice! That’s also another one I wanted to put on the list that I didn’t have room for, along with Hex Heroes, Elliot Quest, and Adventures of Pip. Even then, I’m sure I’m missing a few that I’ve been excited for!

      Haha it was really hard to condense this list just to ten games.

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