Note to Bayonetta Fans, Stop Asking for Sequel Ports

Producer tired of all the fans pleading for the impossible.

By Andy Hoover. Posted 12/12/2013 15:00 3 Comments     ShareThis

I imagine that there can be few things more satisfying for the game developers than hearing about how much fans want to play their games. Then again, I can also imagine how annoying it must be when those same fans prove to be annoyingly persistent in their lack of willingness to accept or understand how the process of making a game can impact how it is available to play. There is no better recent example of this scenario than Wii U exclusive Bayonetta 2.

Platinum Games producer, JP Kellams, has taken to Twitter to ask that fans cease their incessant begging that the game be ported to other consoles. He tweeted,  “I hate posting anything Bayonetta 2 on our Facebook. Not because I hate Bayonetta 2, but because I hate the pedantic port-begging,” and then later added, “It’s been over a year since we announced. We heard you. We get it. We are just happy that we get to make Bayonetta 2 for the patient fans.”

For the uninitiated, here’s why this is an issue. Bayonetta was a critically acclaimed action game developed by Platinum Games for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 that managed to build a passionate fan base over the years despite under performing at retail. Many people wanted a sequel, but its commercial shortcomings effectively led to many losing hope. Then, in a gesture to appeal to the hardest of the hardcore that make up much of the Bayonetta fanbase, Nintendo picked up the rights to a sequel and put Platinum to work on the Wii U exclusive. While this news pleased many gamers, it also angered some of the fans who had written off, or had no interest in, Wii U, and they took to the Internet to complain and demand the sequel come to other consoles as well.

What this latter group fails to understand is that Bayonetta 2 would not exist without Nintendo because it is paying for the game’s development. It isn’t that Nintendo swooped in and blocked Platinum from making the game for all platforms, Nintendo just happened to be the only company willing to place a bet on a series that other publishers deemed too risky to support thanks to the low sales of the original. The only way Bayonetta 2 will show up on other consoles at this point would be if Nintendo chose to publish the title on other platforms (which would not make any business sense), or if someone else were to buy the publishing rights, and as we have already discussed, no other company had any interest in doing so.

So, if you are a Nintendo-hating fan of Bayonetta (why are you on this site?), then please leave Platinum alone, as they said, they are just happy to have the opportunity to finally make the sequel. If you really want to complain to somebody then complain to Nintendo, and I wish you the best of luck in finding another company willing to gamble on the game.

Source: IGN

3 Responses to “Note to Bayonetta Fans, Stop Asking for Sequel Ports”

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Haters need to quit hatin’ and buy a Wii U! Problem solved.

    • 745 points
      OG75 says...

      Robert says “Problem Solved.” Couldn’t agree more. Just go buy a frickin Wii-U.

      It’s like when Jason Rubin (former THQ & Naughty Dog head) complained that “It’s a crime” that Nintendo doesn’t publish on other platforms…. What the? Go buy a Nintendo system if you want to play Nintendo games. Why is that difficult for people to understand? There’s a strange disconnect among many gamers that goes beyond just not having an extra $300 sitting around.

      Would you buy a PS3 and complain because you can’t play Halo?

      Would you buy an Xbox and complain because you can’t play Uncharted?

      If you want to play Mario, Zelda, etc., buy Nintendo. Pretty simple, really.

      Would you sit in a Burger King and complain that they don’t sell Big Macs? No, you’d go to Macdonalds and buy a Big Mac if that’s what you wanted.

  • 849 points
    ejamer says...

    So… Would this be a bad time to beg for a Wii U port of the original game?

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