Nintendo Announces StreetPass Weekend in North America

3DS owners may want to check out a Nintendo Zone on December 14 or 15!

By Marc Deschamps. Posted 12/09/2013 15:00 2 Comments     ShareThis

This weekend, 3DS owners from across North America will have a brand new chance to meet up with one another. That’s because, on December 14 and 15, all Nintendo Zone locations across the US and Canada will be linked together, distributing StreetPasses back and forth between one another. If you’re looking to fill in your StreetPass map, this might be the biggest opportunity so far to match up with Nintendo fans across the continent.

Do you plan on checking out this weekend’s event? Be sure to check out Nintendo’s official website for details surrounding the event and, as always, let us know in the comments below!

Source: Nintendo World Report

2 Responses to “Nintendo Announces StreetPass Weekend in North America”

  • 1297 points
    Robert Marrujo says...

    Am I the only one who hates how few coins can be built up in a day, which, combined with the infuriating over-abundance of “duplicate” puzzle pieces, has slowed my progression through all the Mii games to a frustrating trickle? I’m a day one adopter and still have hundreds of puzzle pieces to gather! Trading is cool, but I don’t get nearly enough StreetPasses, so I depend on the coins I earn, but then I’m limited to 10 a day! Throw me a bone, Nintendo!

  • 849 points
    ejamer says...

    The idea is pretty awesome, but “faking” your StreetPass map hits is kind of disappointing. To me, getting a hit from someone in a different region or country was always an exciting moment.

    Still great news if this allows people in less populated areas to stock up on some StreetPass hits though.

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