December is a time of giving. In just over a week, people around the world will place Nintendo products underneath the Christmas Tree for family and friends. Well, not to be outdone by their fans, Nintendo of America and Reggie Fils-Aime are giving a present of their own this holiday in the form of $40 Pizza Hut gift cards. The gift cards have been mailed out to Club Nintendo members that also happen to be the “biggest Wii U fans.” What exactly that entails at this point is anyone’s guess.
The Nintendo of America president has a past with the popular pizza chain: Fils-Aime was the former Senior Director of National Marketing for Pizza Hut in America. Considering this, it might not be a stretch of the imagination to assume he played a pivotal role in making this holiday gift happen.
As of right now, we don’t know exactly to whom these gift cards were issued, or how they were selected. If you end up with a pizza party on Nintendo, let us know in the comments below!
Source: Nintendo Life
Man, Nintendo always has the coolest promotions and giveaways. From the Best Buy demo stations during E3, to that Southwest Airlines Wii U giveaway, and now this. And those are just recent examples! It really makes me respect them as a company.