The sixth installment in the Professor Layton series, Professor Layton and the Azran Legacies, launched in Japan earlier last week, and it was met with a fairly muted reception.
According to Media Create, the latest Professor Layton game sold approximately 130,000 copies in its first seven days of sale. That makes it the second-weakest debut of any title in the series, just edging out Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, which sold roughly 120,000 copies during its launch week.
Of course, a number of factors could have contributed to the game’s slow start. Despite the 3DS’s recent turnaround, it still has a much smaller install base than its predecessor did, which should at least partially account for the downturn in sales. It certainly doesn’t help that Professor Layton games have also been released almost annually for the past six years, which likely resulted in series fatigue among fans.
Level-5 has stated that Azran Legacies will be the gentlemanly professor’s “final adventure.” Just what that means for the future of the series is anyone’s guess, but it’s clear that Professor Layton as it currently stands has essentially run its course.
Source: Siliconera