Last week, Castlevania creator Koji Igarashi hinted to fans that he has been working on a spiritual successor to the franchise. Today, Igarashi officially unveiled a Kickstarter campaign for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. The game looks very similar to classic 2D Castlevania titles, and with Konami’s recent troubles, it seems like the perfect alternative for fans of the franchise! The unfortunate news is that it appears that the game is not currently planned for Wii U.
While that’s sure to disappoint some franchise fans, not all hope is lost. On the game’s Kickstarter page, a Q&A offers a glimmer of hope for fans. It appears that a Nintendo version may end up as a tier goal! Read the quote below and judge for yourselves!
WHAT ABOUT NINTENDO?Our budget left us with two options: Build the biggest, most beautiful game we can, or make sure it runs everywhere from the start. As things stand today, we can’t afford to create the two separate versions of this game that would be necessary to make it run on every console. That said, we’ve heard legends about a remarkable treasure hidden in the castle basement…
On one hand, it’s encouraging to see some hope. With the recent success of the Yooka-Laylee Kickstarter, it seems that fans are more than willing to pony up the cash to see spiritual successors to classic titles. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night looks to be no exception. In less than a day, the title has already far surpassed its goal of $500,000, and there are still 32 days left to go. This is great news, and it certainly has to help the game’s chances of ending up on Wii U. On the other hand, however, Igarashi is essentially asking Nintendo owners to donate money to a campaign that doesn’t ensure them that their console of choice will even see the title! It’s going to be a difficult choice for prospective donors.
Stay tuned to Nintendojo where we’ll keep you posted on any possibility of a Wii U release! In the meantime, let us know if you plan on donating to the campaign in the comments below!
Source: Kickstarter
“Our budget left us with two options: Build the biggest, most beautiful game we can, or make sure it runs everywhere from the start. As things stand today, we can’t afford to create the two separate versions of this game that would be necessary to make it run on every console. That said, we’ve heard legends about a remarkable treasure hidden in the castle basement…”
How about fuck you, make the biggest most beautiful game and stick it up your ass if you think the Wii U can’t handle it.