Week: End Game: On 05.16.2015

What games are the staff playing this weekend?

By Nintendojo Staff. Posted 05/16/2015 13:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

Welcome back to another installment of Week: End Game: On! What games are the staff playing this weekend? Read on to find out!

Jon Stevens

Last weekend, I used all my spare gaming hours on the Splatoon Global Testfire, which was an absolute blast (and which will be making one last comeback I see– yay!).

In the absence of another one this weekend, though, I plan on giving Pokémon Rumble World a go. I have (disappointingly) never actually tried any of the Pokémon Rumble games and don’t know if a free-to-play version of the series is the best place to start… but it is free, so why not! In any event, I was happy with the last free to play Pokémon game (Pokémon Shuffle), so am still pretty excited to give it a try.

Like many, though, I really don’t have much spare time at the moment. I guess I am just going to have to make do with a few quick games of that then this weekend. Sigh…

Marc Deschamps

This week, I downloaded the Zen Pinball 2 table for Avengers: Age of Ultron. I loved the movie, and Zen’s tables are really good when I only have five or ten minutes to sit down and play a video game. This typically happens when my eight-month-old daughter falls asleep on me while watching King Julian on Netflix, making moving near impossible. At that point, some pinball is much more preferable than finishing the episode for the 18th time.

I’d like to finish Kirby and the Rainbow Curse before Splatoon releases in a couple weeks, but I’m having a hard time finding the motivation. It can be a fun game, but it’s also insanely cruel for a Kirby game!

This weekend, I also plan on reading the comic book adaptation of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Viz Media recently reprinted the old Nintendo Power comic, and I’m excited to crack into it. Believe it or not, I’ve barely played the actual game, though! I’m considering downloading it on the Virtual Console to play side-by-side to see how faithfully it’s represented, but I just have so many other games to play!

Anthony Vigna

Nintendo games? What are those?

Recently, all I’ve been playing is Final Fantasy VII on the old PS1 in my house. I always found it weird that I’ve been so incredibly invested in JRPGs, yet I’ve never completed a Final Fantasy game in my life, so I decided to pick up Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy IX for dirt cheap prices on eBay. It’s a weird experience playing games released over a decade ago that were so revered and hyped for their time. I can definitely appreciate a lot of things about what Final Fantasy VII did in terms of growing a following for JRPGs in the West, and it does a lot of things right in its gameplay, but some aspects just don’t seem to hold up that well in the modern era.

This should be expected from games that are this old, but it’s a weird feeling to experience when you never played the game when it was released. With something like Ocarina of Time, a game that I’ve played numerous times, I got to see the game age with each time I picked it up. But with Final Fantasy VII, a game that I’m just playing now for the first time, all I can see is that it’s old. I don’t have everyone’s rose-tinted glasses and I never got to see it age at all. Maybe I’ll write an editorial about this feeling on the site in the future!

Anthony Pelone

I’ve finally gotten started with revisiting Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep on the 2.5 Remix port. I’ve borrowed the original game to play on a friend’s PSP, and while I quite enjoy it, I always can’t help but think to myself, “why on earth wasn’t this on PS3?” The game is far too ambitious and important to the series’ canon to be relegated to handheld, and even uprezzed its origins are still painfully obvious in level design and plot progression. Even worse, once again I have to watch the gullible Terra fall for nearly every one of the villains’ traps. It’s amazing how I can both critique and leisurely enjoy Kingdom Hearts’ mess of a plot (don’t get me started on the script…or Kingdom Hearts 2’s, at least), but I just have to remind myself it’s dumb, flashy fun.

Having recently finished off the excellent Majora’s Mask, I also began a new file of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. It was actually subject to a game capture device (Elgato, for the curious) I’ve been experimenting with for the past half year, and unfortunately the footage came out rather…unnaturally bright, which hideously marred Wind Waker’s gorgeous aesthetic. It’s for the purposes of taking screenshots, and since I’d like to one day compare the original to its HD port (Nintendo remakes and ports are a subject I’m quite meticulous about), I’ll have to look for other avenues. Wish me luck!

What games will you be playing this weekend? Let us know in the comments!

One Response to “Week: End Game: On 05.16.2015”

  • 1379 points
    xeacons says...

    Aaaauugh! I hate waiting! Trying to keep busy waiting for Splatoon, I play anything to take my mind off the clock. I’m back with Xenoblade 3D, which is still addictive after 100 plus hours on the Wii. Meanwhile, I’m dusting off some of my old Wiiware titles, like World of Goo to see what glues me to the TV.

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