In the latest installment of Iwata Asks, our long held suspicions were confirmed when it came to the newest Pokémon type in Pokémon X and Y.
It turns out that the type in question, Fairy, was created not just to have another type in the mix. It was actually created specifically as a way to counter the all too powerful Dragon-type Pokémon, director Junichi Masuda confirmed. He states that the Dragon type was too strong, and rather than weaken the stats of Dragon Pokémon, Game Freak made another Pokémon type to counteract them.
For those of you who aren’t aware, Dragon types were once weak to only Ice and Dragon (yes, one of the only types that was weak against itself). So the addition of Fairy types made it just about fair enough so that players have a better chance when facing them. And those of us who have battled Lance in Pokémon Blue/Red/Yellow know all too well just how powerful Dragon types can be.
Pokémon X and Y are now available for purchase anywhere video games are sold.
Source: Siliconera