Traditionalists rejoice! It looks as though the newest Mario game will be sticking to its roots.
Though Nintendo has periodically tested the waters of downloadable content (or DLC, as it’s called around here), it looks as though the company will be holding off on any of that with Super Mario 3D World. While Nintendo had used DLC with New Super Luigi U and Pikmin 3, it is aiming to keep this installment of the Mario series traditional and not offer any additional levels beyond those already in the game.
For those who want to partake in the latest that the Mario series has to offer, Super Mario 3D World will hit shelves in North America on November 22 and Europe on November 29.
Source: Nintendo Life*NKPfw7hyeXSHb6JVaXn6HjEHBQ5BsGsiD5pTslEca1Rl4BTf2KUrwRLkZs/HallelujahChorus.jpg
I’m glad. Nintendo seems to think DLC is only for hurry-up, no-time-to-explore, grab-everything-you-can modes. That stuff is not what I love about Mario (or Pikmin) games.
I was hoping Luigi U would be different, having alternate versions of every level, but no. It too is hurry-up, no-time-to-explore. Nintendo’s probably wise to hold off on more Mario DLC until that $20 burn heals.
I wouldn’t oppose DLC for 3D World, but I agree with penduin in that too much of the DLC Nintendo has put on offer isn’t as meaty as I’d like it to be. Assuming the game is huge and satisfying on its own, I’d love to have additional, true stages to play through after I’ve beaten the game.