New Bravely Default Trailer Revealed

Square Enix’s JRPG looks incredibly enticing.

By Anthony Vigna. Posted 11/07/2013 13:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

It’s no secret that I absolutely love JRPGs, as a good portion of both my DS and 3DS catalog is filled with games from the genre. So, imagine my level of excitement when I first heard that Bravely Default was finally going to be localized for 3DS! Every trailer I have seen just gets me more and more excited, and this latest trailer is no exception. The game looks perfect, featuring a beautiful art style, great voice acting, an awesome soundtrack, and solid JRPG gameplay.

Bravely Default hits Europe on December 6, and those that live in the US can expect to see the game in stores sometime next year. Are you as excited as I am for this game’s release? Sound off in the comments below!

Source: Nintendo Life

One Response to “New Bravely Default Trailer Revealed”

  • 1597 points
    penduin says...

    This looks more must-have every time I see it. The title sounds like it came from a captcha, but then my favorite home console is called a Wii U – I think I can get over silly names. :^)

    I have high hopes for this. Really high. I hope it becomes a successful series, reinventing some of the highlights of Final Fantasy, while avoiding some of its missteps.

    Let’s see the detail and charm already evident in this game go on to show us messy steampunk worlds like FF6 and 7, wild mechanics experiments like 8 and 12. And let’s skip the style-over-substance of FF10 and 13, and the online nonsense of 11 and 14.

    …But first things first. I was disappointed to see the “preorder here” link lead to a non-US store. :^)

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